Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Using Jing in the Classroom

I'm very interested in using Jing in the classroom this year! What I envision for my classroom is Jing being a tool to help my visual learners. I myself am a visual learner, so I think the Jing Project will be especially beneficial to my students who are as well for a few reasons. First, I am going to attempt to make a blog for my students to use this year for homework assignments. While there may be more than a few students who have blogged before, I want to make sure the ones who haven't are comfortable with it. By recording a video capture of how to set up a blog on, I will help my students feel more comfortable and confident about how to do it. Second, I think it will be beneficial to use Jing with my students in the computer lab. Most of the students at my school come from very affluent homes, so the majority have computers, but there are still those children who don't. I want to make these children feel comfortable and know how to use the technology we are working on. Jing project can easily help these particular students. Within a telecollaborative project the Jing Project could be used with people in other classrooms, other states, and other countries! Like I did below, the Jing Project can be shared with people across the internet. A teacher or student could video capture their work or project and embed the video onto their blog for others to see. Below you will find a review blog about the pros and cons of the Jing Project.

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