Sunday, July 27, 2008

Podcasting in Education

Podcasting has become a very popular form of communication and a way for people to distribute audio information for the last 5 to 6 years. This technology is being used more and more in educational settings. But what can podcasting be used for in education?

As an intermediate level teacher, I have though of some possible ways podcasting could be beneficial for my students.

1. Lectures- Teachers are becoming facilitators in today's schools more and more, but there are sometimes when a teacher will need to explain orally either directions or provide students with information about a subject orally. A podcast on my website would be beneficial for students who may be absent that day and would like to find out what was talked about in class that day. The student could simply click on the podcast from their computer at home and be caught up to date.

2. Interviews- In my class we cover a lot in our social studies curriculum. Sometimes the students will interview a person and present their interview to their classmates. Usually the interview is written out or done on video camera, but the podcast will allow students a simple way to conduct their interview and post it on our class website or on their own website.

3. Reader's Theatre- I have many of my lower readers participate in Reader's Theatre. They will work on reading aloud lines of a story or a book so they can improve their fluency and comprehension. Students like to receive positive feedback, and a good way to show students how well they did is by placing their podcasts on a website for others to hear them read aloud. This activity also helps ESL (English as a Second Language) students.

Any of the three activities listed above could be used in a telecollaborative project. The members of the other classrooms could share what they have done with others by posting the podcast on a site.

Below you will find a few sites with information about podcasting in education. You will also find my Howard County web site where you can hear an example of a podcast.




1 comment:

Carrie said...

I think your idea of Reader's Theater is a great one. One kids are motivated by readers theater in general and then you add in the podcast with the computer and you have a winning lesson.